The deep causes and consequences of 10 pressing problems of humanity

Pavel Aleksandrovich Samuta
5 min readJun 23, 2024


Humanity today is faced with a number of pressing and interconnected global problems that require immediate attention and coordinated action. In this article, we will conduct an in-depth analysis of ten key problems, their underlying causes and possible consequences.

The deep causes and consequences of 10 pressing problems of humanity

1. Lack of joint action and organization. We prefer to compete, like children in a sandbox, instead of uniting and solving these problems together.

Deep reasons: Nationalism, geopolitical interests, historical conflicts, lack of trust.

Consequences: Exacerbation of global problems such as climate change, poverty and conflict, inability to solve cross-border problems.

What do you think needs to be done to get people to trust each other and work together?

2. Lack of leaders with a conscience. Honest, compassionate leaders are such a rarity these days that they should be included in the Red Book.

Deep causes: Lack of honesty and empathy, prioritizing personal interests over general well-being.

Consequences: Poor management, lack of vision and inspiration, lack of trust in authority.

3. Feelings prevail over reason. Emotions rule the roost.

We abandon reason and common sense in favor of emotions and misinformation. Instead of thinking critically, we allow fears and prejudices to control us, which leads to terrible decisions and polarized society.

Root Causes: Emotional immaturity, spreading misinformation, lack of critical thinking.

Consequences: Hasty decisions, increased prejudice, polarized society.

4. The technological process harms nature out of greed.

In pursuit of profit, we ruthlessly exploit natural resources without thinking about the consequences. We are turning into insatiable monsters, destroying ecosystems, and at the same time our own future. So, is technology our ticket to heaven or straight to hell?

Deep reasons: Exploitation of natural resources in pursuit of profit, lack of environmental responsibility.

Consequences: Destruction of ecosystems, climate change, resource depletion.

5. Loss of spiritual and value guidelines.

Materialism, individualism and the decline of traditional values are devastating our souls. We forget what is truly important in life and spend our days chasing material wealth and imaginary happiness. As a result, we come to spiritual exhaustion and emptiness.

Deep causes: Materialism, individualism, decline of traditional religions.

Consequences: Loss of meaning in life, spiritual devastation, moral crisis.

6. Destruction of family values and the institution of family. Are we really cutting off the branch on which we sit? Children suffer from emotional problems, crime increases, and society weakens.

Underlying reasons: Socio-economic changes, lack of support for parents, individualism.

Consequences: Emotional problems in children, increased crime, weakened society.

7. Identity and cultural diversity.

On the one hand, globalization erases cultural boundaries and gives us the opportunity to communicate with people from all over the world. On the other hand, it creates tension between cultural groups, blurs our sense of identity and makes it difficult to maintain traditions. We are like stray cats who cannot find our place in this global maze.

Deep causes: Globalization, migration, influence of social networks.

Consequences: Cultural conflicts, search for identity, difficulties in preserving and transmitting traditions.

8. Inequality is the root of all evil. Unfair distribution of resources, discrimination and limited access to education and health care create a deep gap between rich and poor. Social tensions are rising, governments are losing legitimacy, and economic stagnation is stifling people’s lives.

Root causes: Unfair distribution of resources, discrimination, limited access to education and healthcare.

Consequences: Social tension, political instability, economic stagnation.

9. Corruption eats away from the inside.

The lust for power, lack of accountability and weak legal systems open the door to corruption. Trust in government declines, governance becomes ineffective, and the economy suffers. It turns out that we ourselves are giving our fate into the hands of predators who devour it from the inside.

Root Causes: Lust for power, lack of accountability, weak legal systems.

Consequences: Loss of trust in government, poor management, economic damage.

10. Wars and conflicts are the extreme degree of madness

Territorial disputes, ideological differences and failure to resolve conflicts peacefully lead to wars and conflicts. People are killing each other, infrastructure is collapsing, millions are becoming refugees, and the economy is collapsing. We turn into wild animals who are ready to tear each other apart over a pitiful piece of land or empty ideals.

Deep causes: Territorial disputes, ideological differences, inability to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Consequences: Death of people, destruction of infrastructure, millions of refugees, economic collapse.

Solving these ten key problems will require incredible effort, dedication, and a willingness on the part of humanity to go beyond our usual patterns of behavior. But if we can overcome these difficulties and find the courage to make profound changes, we can not only avoid catastrophic consequences, but also open new horizons for prosperity and harmony on our planet. This is an unprecedented challenge, but also a unique opportunity for our species to prove that we are capable of becoming true guardians of life on Earth.

If humanity can come together and solve these key problems, it will pave the way to a brighter future of peace, prosperity and harmony with nature. Readers will be able to imagine a world where people live in harmony with each other and the planet, where leaders inspire and lead society to higher goals, where technology is used for good, and spiritual values guide our actions. This future can become a reality if we find the strength to make the necessary changes today.

We face an incredible challenge, but if we accept it, we can make a real revolution — in our minds, in our hearts and in the very structure of our society. We have all the necessary resources to overcome these obstacles and build a better world for ourselves and for future generations. You just need to find the courage, determination and readiness for change. This is a chance to become creators of a new era, where humanity will finally find harmony and feel its unity. Together we can change the course of history and leave an indelible mark on the future of our planet. Join this incredible journey of change!



Pavel Aleksandrovich Samuta

I have gone from a technician to a design engineer, from entrepreneur, a consultant in the field of industrial engineering